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What Are People Saying?

Read Below to discover feedback on details of the training from teachers and administrators who have taken the Mindfulness Teacher Training.

For complete testimonials, click here, or scroll to the bottom.




                                            One of my goals in creating this training is to support teachers in adopting a

                                            mindfulness practice (or to refresh an already existing practice) in order to

                                            help with job satisfaction and prevent burnout. Did you have any experiences                                                that speak to this goal?




Yes! I have casually and inconsistently practiced mindfulness and meditation throughout the past 8 or so years, but I have never stuck with it! Learning more about the benefits of mindfulness, how stress affects our brain and all of the amazing ways we can reduce this stress and prevent burnout was so helpful. I have started practicing mindfulness and meditation more consistently since the start of the course and I plan to continue this so it can become a daily practice of mine!




It definitely helped me to refresh what I Knew about mindfulness and equipped me with new information and tools to start a personal practice. The sessions were also a safe space to stop, breathe, reflect and allow myself to observe. This was very valuable.




I noticed a huge difference in my mindfulness, both within myself and within the classroom as a result of this training. I already had established routines with mindfulness in the classroom, but this training strengthened my practice. I wasn't feeling burnout, but I can see how this course would help that -- specifically with the aspect of mindfulness for ourselves.


I felt this program did exactly that. I had already had some experiences, as well as a consistent routine of meditating a couple of years ago, and I found this program helped revive these routines and practices that I had lost over the years. It also equipped me with strategies and tools that I could use throughout the working day when feeling overwhelmed or to just help with reflecting and grounding.





                                            Was this training beneficial to you as a teacher and to what you teach? If so, in

                                            what ways?



Absolutely! Beneficial as a teacher because it allows you to develop strategies and practices to deal with the stress and overwhelming burden of taking on all of your student's feelings and emotions whilst also validating this stress. This training encouraged me to create routines and practices to help mitigate the overwhelming feelings that come with being a teacher.


 It was also very beneficial as a teacher of Grade 2 students because it provided me with many ideas of ways to implement mindfulness into my students daily routines. Although we already had a mindfulness practice in place, this training encouraged me and allowed me to incorporate new "tools", strategies, and ideas and enlightened me on wonderful new ways to support my students in certain situations.



It was beneficial for me as a person and as a teacher as well. It provided me with knowledge, tools, time for reflection and practical practices that I am introducing in the classroom.



This was incredibly beneficial! I was already doing some of these practices in my classroom, but understanding the why and how behind everything makes a huge difference. Also, you gave so many techniques and tips to share with students that it has strengthened our overall mindfulness in the classroom. I find I am a calmer teacher and trying to react to students in a kinder, more patient, and more empathetic way overall.


Whilst I am not teaching a class at the moment, I did still find the training beneficial. It has made me more conscious of mindfulness and meditation techniques and practices that can be used for SEL. I've also started having mini mindful moments at the beginning of our curriculum planning meetings as it's a good way to ground educators before jumping into planning!




                                             What is your experience with the digital toolbox? 




I love the tool box. Super useful!!!!! I use it and it is one of the big takeaways of this course.



The resources in the toolbox are amazing! It is really helpful having it as a reference after finishing the training.


I've copied and pasted certain tools that I made connections with, and included them in my personal planners. It's a great idea to have all of the resources in one place.





                                            Have you noticed any personal changes since beginning this training?







Yes! More aware of my physical responses to stress, frustration, disagreements. An ability to pull from some of the strategies and practices we have learned in order to ground myself during these moments. An increased awareness of my needs and a feeling that I am more in control of my responses. More openness to meditation practices and knowledge around how and why it is so beneficial!



Yes, I am way more aware of my own state, my self talk and my perspective on things. I feel that I have a long way to go but I am happy I started a journey.


Yes! I've started meditating in the mornings again.. not every morning, but it's a work in progress! The training reminded me of the benefits of making space and time for meditation in the mornings. It's like exercise, you never regret a gym session! I've also been more mindful of my feelings and emotions during work, and how I respond to colleagues. It has reminded me to practice self-compassion.






                                              If you’ve added any of the practices into your classroom, have you noticed   

                                              any changes in your students or your classroom environment?





They are becoming more skilled at following the mindfulness practices and focusing while we are doing them. They have also incorporated the vocabulary and some breathing techniques independently.



My kids are MUCH calmer. We start our mindfulness with different kinds of breathing and I've led them through some meditations. I was unsure of how the meditations would work for them, but it was a very powerful experience. We did the loving-kindness meditation and the students were very engaged. We also do mindfulness throughout the day (breathing, gentle movement) instead of only during our dedicated mindfulness time post-lunch. I also tried the 4-7-8 breath, drawing around our foot, heartbeat exercises, and 5 senses. The kids like all of them!


I feel since adding mindful moments to the beginning of our curriculum planning meetings, the meetings are usually more productive as it refocuses educators and grounds them in the practice.





                                             What was your experience with the amount of information presented in each                                                 session?




It felt very digestible! I think there was a perfect amount of information presented each session.


The information felt digestible. I know sometimes we did not get through all of the info planned- I think it depends on the group and how willing people are to "share" which can take time.


The session sizes were a good length of time. I appreciated that the content was organized in a way that was easy to process, and allowed time for reflection. Katie also made links to prior sessions, which I found beneficial. It was good to have the opportunity to practice some of the tools that Katie shared, and these were a great way of breaking up the sessions too. When our conversations were rich, I liked how Katie didn't feel the need to rush through the remaining information but simply adjust the scheduling for the following sessions.








                                            Was the overall length of the training long enough for you to feel you were

                                            established enough in your own practice to add it into classroom routines

                                            and share with your students? 




Yes! I think the 4 sessions focussed on mindfulness practice as a whole and then 4 sessions around mindfulness in the classroom was a perfect balance!


I would love if the training was ongoing - so never enough!! I liked how the training was split into personal practice, and classroom practice. I personally feel like there was adequate amount of time for both.



                                            What are your thoughts on the length of each individual session (90 minutes)?







I totally see the value in it. I think the time is needed. At first, it may sound like a long session, but once teachers have experienced it, they will understand the importance of it. Especially with a larger group, so more people have a chance to share.




                                             What is one sentence that explains the thing that was most impactful for you   

                                             about participating in this training?







The weekly mindfulness sessions led by Katie always brought a breath of fresh air and lightness to my week and left me feeling inspired and rejuvenated!



I am more aware of my emotional and physical state, and this allows me to observe and decide what to do with what I find.



Our body always communicates to us, and mindfulness is a practice to help us listen.


Something that has really stuck with me from the training is to allow for more self-compassion; it has increased my self-awareness and reminded me that mindful moments can happen anywhere or anytime.




                                            From an administrative perspective, what do you think would be the most

                                            important thing for another administrator to know about this training? 






That the training not only equips educators with the tools to teach students in classes, but also promotes teacher well-being by providing tools and practices that they too can use throughout the day.












Meredith W:


I recently had the pleasure of participating in an 8-week mindfulness training led by the incredible Katie Fleetwood, and I cannot express enough how wonderful the experience has been. Katie's expertise in mindfulness, coupled with her calm demeanor and contagious enthusiasm for the topic, made each session a joy to attend. 


One of the standout qualities of Katie as a facilitator was her ability to foster an atmosphere of openness and acceptance. Throughout the sessions, she consistently made space for us to share our thoughts, experiences, and ideas without judgment. This created a sense of connection and trust among the group participants.


Katie provided valuable resources to use in our personal mindfulness practice as well as resources that could be implemented in our classrooms. I am grateful for the tools, knowledge, and sense of community that Katie cultivated throughout the training. Her training has left me equipped with the skills to continue my mindfulness practice inside the classroom as well as in a personal daily practice. Thank you Katie for this wonderful experience!


Juliana C:

This mindfulness training has helped me to become more aware of my mood, my feelings and my state in general. This has been crucial for me as a teacher, as I am dealing with so many things at once in the classroom. The workshop sessions became a place for reflection, observation and learning; a moment to take a pause, and think of the ways in which I care for myself and others. 


The workshop also provided me with the knowledge and strategies that I needed to start a mindfulness practice in my classroom. After participating in the workshop you end up with a complete tool box and many resources that you can use as you continue implementing a mindfulness practice in your classroom.



Melody A:

This training is one of the best decisions I've made as an educator and as a person! I knew it would help me as a teacher, but I didn't realize how much it would help my overall mental and emotional health. Katie is empathetic, patient, insightful, and gracious. She leads the training with love and kindness, and it's inspiring to witness. I feel calmer and happier as a person and as a teacher because of her infinite wisdom and teachings. This training helped me improve my mindfulness practice with students and with myself. I've shared so many experiences with my students that strengthened our relationships, increased their happiness levels, and created a more positive climate in our classroom. This training should be required for every teacher, regardless of what age you teach, and really every person in the world should experience the magic of Katie Fleetwood!


Deirdre H:

It was a pleasure being able to participate in this 8-week mindfulness and meditation training, and it was truly transformative. Despite being a PYP coordinator and in an administrative role, I found immense value in attending each session, thanks to Katie's kind and caring approach. She created a welcoming environment where it was easy to show up and practice these valuable tools 'without judgment'. Throughout the training, Katie skillfully guided us through both personal practice and strategies for integrating mindfulness into classroom settings. Even though some sessions were more tailored for homeroom teachers, Katie was flexible and attentive to the needs of the entire cohort, ensuring that everyone felt supported and empowered to implement these practices effectively. As a result of this training, I feel more equipped than ever to embed mindfulness and meditation practices into our curriculum, fostering a culture of self-awareness and emotional resilience among our students. I highly recommend Katie's training to anyone looking to enhance their well-being and cultivate a mindful classroom environment.

Thank you so much Katie! I really loved and enjoyed our sessions together. Wishing you all the best going forward - any school/company would benefit from your expertise!


Image by Susan Holt Simpson
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